Wednesday, October 28, 2009

If I were a cat...

"If I were a cat..."
So let me tell you what I mean. It's not that I adore cats, because I don't. It's not because I have a pet cat, but I do (my fluffy wuffy itty bitty Little Bit!). That's just me, I'll be the one to leave you hanging. Because nothing I say makes sense...well, most of the time. At least my thoughts don't...or, do they? I don't know, one of them (either my speech or my mental capacity) is very screwed up. HA! Yeah...anyway. I'm Caitlin Camic, 16 years old, livin' life loving JESUS! Because you know who rocks? You don't? Well you suck then. JUSTT KIDDINGG! jk FOOLS...jk :). Jesus rocks. Jesus MUSIC rocks. Jesus' socks, if he ever wore socks - which is probably a NO - would have most definitely ROCKED. They would have rocked MY socks off! Yeah...haha.

So whats your favorite animal? Hello? Well alright then. I like platypi - or is it platypusses? Who really knows? NO ONE. That's right, you heard me, no one. Except me. Alligators are nice too, and wolves. Has any one here ever heard of a flagamupolous? No one? Really? No one...EXCEPT ME! HAAA!! (It's a flag pole monster, like the strippers of monster world!) <------SHAME! Shame be brought to those silly little flagamupolouses...yeah, haha.

If I had one, I would name it Dave. Dave. Yeah, I like that. Dave the flagamupolous monster! I shall name him Dave, and he shall be mine, and he shall be MY Dave. (Haha, SQUISHY!) :) I'll bet eight of the five people that read that doesn't get it. LIKE TOTALLY, L-O-L!

So has anyone heard that retarded song by Soildya Boy - or however he stupidly spells his name - LOL SMILEY FACE. WHAT IS THAT?! Lol...smiley face. Who would sing that? OH! OH! I KNOW! &0ULj4 |30i! That's who! HAAAA!! :) Well, tata for now, my wee pretties! Ho Ho Ho, I sound like a french pedestrian! WOOO!

