Friday, February 26, 2010

Tobacco Sells

To our selfless leader, Governor Beshear,
I have recently noticed a political debate upon the topic of raising or lowering the prices of tobacco goods sold in Kentucky, and it gives me a rather nauseous feeling that you have entertained the idea of even giving them a price. I believe that all tobacco products should be free, especially to those who go through a rough work day. In fact, the age limit for buying such products should be dropped to ten. With the rising rate of black lung and lung cancer by the help of smoking and second hand smoke the U.S. could radically drop in population, balancing out economic differences and certified social classes. Also, tobacco farmers could be turned into serfs for those who harvest more profitable crops and livestock. With tobacco products being completely free, I believe there will be a drop in crimes such as shoplifting and burglary.
Seeing as how no one else seems to have another option properly presented, death and slavery must be the only answer to the insufficient pricing, sales, and health problem. Obviously, Sir Beshear, the answer to our states' economic and health problems is to raise the pricing of tobacco products ten fold. With a raise in price only those with excess money to spend would be able to buy these products; with only the wealthy buying, less and less young adults and middle agers would be exposed to second hand smoke, black lung, and lung cancer. Along side that, the tobacco farmers, instead of being a slave to the rise and fall of sales and pricing, would have a steady income just as other Kentucky cash crop farmers. Then, as the wealthy spend and the 'bottom of the list' farmers earn, our current state of economy will have a head start in balancing itself out. A much better plan than handing out tobacco products to small children, converting hard working people into serfs and slaves, and supplying the entire state with a substantial amount of edible, breathable black lung and cancer. Deadly toxins are not safe with they come cheap, and poison should not be free.
Caitlin L. Camic

Friday, February 12, 2010

So...does anyone else suck at Math besides me?

I finally didn't get a D on my geometry test!
I got a 96 (:
And yet I still suck at math.
So I'm sitting in the computer lab in second block
Tired as I don't know what
And I don't feel like doing anything for the rest of the day.

And yet
I have to walk around fourth block and sing people lovey-dovey stupid songs
for retarded Chamber Singers.
And I want to go home and sleep
Because my head and throat are killing me.
I hate High School.
I'm only a sophomore and I STILL
can't wait to leave.
Of course,
I have been here in this building since I was 6...
Oh well.
I'm writing a book (:
And people keep bugging me about it
But I'm not telling!
So shh!(:
Maybe I'll put the preferace on my next blog...
*Wink wink* (;

(I still HATE that song.)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Daniel Rigney.

This past week I had a conflict with myself
And I was confronted by myself and others.
Another battle in my head.

Last weekend was supposed to be TCTC
Tennessee Christian Teen Convention
Which is a HUGE christian concert.
One of the original members of my youth group,
Indian Hills Christian Church,
tragically died in a car accident
and the other passenger,
was injured and most likely traumatized from the incident.
His name was Daniel Rigney,
and although I may have never gotten the pleasure to actually meet him and get to know him,
now I feel as if I can relate to him more so than a lot of other people I know.
All that anyone could say about Daniel was that he was a loving and lovable, strong faithed, strong willed christian.
The first in our youth group to actually understand what it meant to love God with all his heart,
and has been an amazing motivation to those who got the opportunity to spend time with him.
And now,
even though he may be gone,
he still is.
Even though I may not have gotten to become friends with Daniel, talk to Daniel, or even meet Daniel,
I know that he's where we all want to be.
And I know that Daniel has even inspired me to further myself in Christianity.
To make more of a stand for the real light of God's amazing grace.
Daniel Rigney truly is an inspiration to us all
And shall never be forgotten.
As I say this
I've been thinking about what I would like to do to keep the memory of Daniel loud and vibrant.
To keep the thought of God loud and vibrant.
I've come up with a plan.
As soon as I am able to collect what I need for my plan,
I hope that I can set out by myself at first and start off going to see Sabrina and Daniel's families.
I'm hoping to call it The Rigney Crew
And my plan is of one that I've been thinking over for some time
Even before his early death.
I want to do something that Daniel would appreciate.
I want to work with anyone who gets stuck in a hospital.
My plan is to spend time with everyone I can who happens to be there.
I want to give them a gift of happiness.
So, I want to spread the Gospel.
It sounds a little cliche,
but my idea is to entwine a song or verse from the Bible into a simple bandanna bracelet or necklace.
So that everytime they see it
They can remember the verse.
In my head it really is just a symbol.
How humans, like the bandanna, are simple and imperfect;
While the verse or song inside, like the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Are everlasting, unfailing, and a promise of Heaven.

So as I beggin to embark on this new journey inspired by Daniel Rigney
I want others to remember him just as I do.
As another glimpse of God's true Glory,
And an inspiring light that will forever be blessed upon our imperfect hearts.
No, Daniel wasn't perfect, but Daniel loved God with everything he had.

Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.