Saturday, December 5, 2009

Family to Fortune

So if anyone really knows me that well
they know that I've had some issues,
past and present,
with and agaisnt my family.
As a young girl,
christianity was never my thing.
I hated christianity,
I hated christians
and therefor hated my family.
At least, I thought I did.
All I really hated,
in the end,
turned out to be myself.
So it came as a shock to me
when I found out that my older brother,
who really had other people to hang out with
and better things to do
decided to take more interest in me.
From dragging me to church
to singing with me on the way to school
he slowly creeped his way in to my inner sanctum.
One day
when he was driving us to church
he asked me something that I never really realized was,
He asked me if I was depressed.
I looked at him for a while before lying to him
And he knew it wasn't true.
he kept pushing and pushing
pointing out things that made me go near into tears
and it was then I realized that he had known all along.
That was when I realized I hated myself
to the point that I blamed everyone else around me.
Depression works in mysterious ways&&
Family sure can turn things around.

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